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If your are looking for some great wreck diving without traveling for 36 hours to get to Truk Lagoon, then you should join us for wreck diving in Fathom Five Park in Lake Huron. Remember your geography? I didn't think so. Well, Lake Huron is the central lake of the Great Lakes. It is separated from the Georgian Bay by the Bruce Peninsula. The Bruce Peninsula is the northernmost border of the Niagara Escarpment. At the tip of the Bruce Peninsula is Tobermory. Got all that? What's it mean? It means fresh water, good visibility and some fascinating wrecks, surrounded by some really stunning scenery with good hiking and great photography. It is a beautiful area. The Great Lakes, due to their size and nasty winter storms, house a good number of unfortunate ships in their depths. Remember the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (Gordon Lightfoot) in Lake Superior. Well, Lake Huron is no exception. And with the establishment of Fathom Five National Marine Park over 20 years ago, the wrecks are protected. Also with the absence of the boring worms found in salt water, these wooden wrecks have held up very well. We will be staying in Tobermory on Wednesday night. We can do a little diving in the harbor or a little hiking along the edge of the Georgian Bay. Then we will board the Dawnlight that Al has chartered for us and head out into Lake Huron. We will have five days on board to explore the wrecks of Fathom Five Park as well as to do some kayaking, swimming and serious lounging. Of course, all meals are included aboard ship. In September the water has had all summer to get warm. You can dive in a wetsuit although a dry suit would be more comfortable. Click here to check out our dry suit courses. You will love the dving here. No salt water on your gear. No salt water in your mouth. Unfortunately, although the wrecks appear to have plenty of "lobster", they are really just crayfish. It would take a bucketful to make a meal. Maybe they will serve moose burgers instead. At the end of our trip, there is a pleasant drive home through some really pretty country both in Canada and in upstate New York (Finger Lakes Country). The cost of the trip is $750 and it includes your five days and nights aboard the Dawnlight, all the air or nitrox that you need, and all meals. We will be driving up and will try to arrange car pools to keep that cost down. After you dive Tobermory, you will find yourself wishing that Jersey diving was this way. You will also wonder why you don't hear more about it. And finally, you will look forward to doing it again. I know I do. Let us know if you are interested.