Longwood Gardens

The 20/30 Group is a fellowship organization of people in their twenties or thirties, single or married, which meets the first weekend of each month. We welcome both members and non-members of the church.

On Saturday, December 5 we will be travelling to Chester County to see Longwood Gardens Christmas Display. Those who have seen it in the past say it is magnificent. The entire conservatory is lavishly decorated in the Christmas theme including a 22-foot Christmas tree. There is a Home for the Holidays dispay depicting the return of family and friends for a holiday party. Decorated trees and wreaths lead you through the conservatory's 17 indoor gardens. The indoor fountains dance to holiday music throughout the day. After dark, the outdoor gardens are decorated with more than 400,000 lights and other special light features. We will meet at PCCH at 3:00 p.m. and carpool to Longwood Gardens. The cost is $12 for adults, $6 for ages 16-20, $2 for ages 6-15, and free for children under 6. Sign up outside of the church office or call the church for reservations.

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